Manta super heavy dropship
Manta super heavy dropship

  • There is Only War 2012 – An Epic Armageddon Tournament.
  • There is Only War 2011 – An Epic Armageddon tournament.
  • There is Only War 2010 – An Epic Armageddon Tournament.
  • Terrain for the Unsung Heroes Tournament.
  • A Fortress of Gondor, Dol Amroth… & Mordor.
  • LORD OF THE RINGS Strategy Battle Game.
  • The latest information on the Epic Tau list can be found – HERE. The Infantry are basically the same except different colours have been used to differentiate between formations (making identification easier on the game board).
  • The whole thing is washed using Woodland Scenics Raw Umber pigment.
  • The weapons are painted with Vellejo Light Grey and Skull White.
  • Next, certain panels and details are picked out with Skull White.
  • The vehicles are then (very lightly) drybrushed with Skull White.
  • The basecoat is a spray of Model Master Afrika Mustard.
  • manta super heavy dropship manta super heavy dropship

    This army was fairly straight forward to paint. My Tau objectives (a crashed Barracuda and an Automated Tau Defence Gun). Remora Drone Fighters (These models are actually from Dark Realm Miniatures). Tigershark AX-1-0 and Moray Assault Ships (AX-1-0 from ForgeWorld, the Morays are proxy models from ForgeWorld’s Battle Fleet Gothic range – Protector) Tigershark Squadron and an Orca Dropship (both from ForgeWorld). Gue’vesa (human auxiliary forces from Dark Realm Miniatures). Kroot Kindred (Kroot Carnivore squads are Dark Realm Miniatures, the Hounds and Krootox are from ForgeWorld). Markerlight Sentry Support Group (Turrets from ForgeWorld, the Markerlight Towers are converted from ForgeWorld Turrets). Recon Skimmer Support Group (Tetras & Piranhas from ForgeWorld). Stingray Missile Gunships (from ForgeWorld). Scorpionfish Super-Heavy Missile Gunships (Badger miniatures from Reapers CAV range). XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (from ForgeWorld). XV15 Stealth Battle Suits From ForgeWorld).

    manta super heavy dropship

    XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Cadres (with Shas’o & Shas’el commanders).Ģ Fire Warrior Cadres (I used proxy miniatures from Hordes of the Future as my Fire Warriors, the Devilfish are from ForgeWorld).ģ Armoured Mobile Hunter Cadres (Hammerhead gunships from ForgeWorld). Here’s a few, more detailed photos of the army. This is my own Tau army (for Epic Armageddon).

    Manta super heavy dropship